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Marketing reports predict that AR ads will generate over $2.5 billion by 2022.

Back in 2016, AR wasn’t a focal point for marketers. That’s because augmented reality (AR) was strictly a gaming mode or possible technology for futuristic products. Yet, when Pokemon GO became a global phenomenon, things changed.  Marketers realized that AR had the potential to become something spectacular.

Many forward-thinking brands incorporated augmented reality for marketing products, launching new stores, and engaging their customers. It was a way to stand out in a competitive industry. This experimentation came through for retailers, travel marketers, and other commercial companies. It generated more leads and created more opportunities for customer engagement.

The profitable aspect of this marketing trend is enough to get businesses interested. The only question is–How can companies use augmented reality for marketing?

Here’s a hint:

1. Use AR to Boost Brand Awareness

For starters, the use of augmented reality for marketing is still a novel concept. If you invest in it now, then you get an edge over the competition.

Think about it.

Wouldn’t an AR station attract more visitors compared to regular testing stands at the mall? With AR technology, your customers get a virtual experience of everything you have to offer. They can also try things out, even if the real things are still a ‘work-in-progress’.

Alternatively, you can use AR to create virtual tours of your offices, cafés, and shops for online visitors. That way, you can give customers a taste of what they can expect when they visit you. It’s also an engaging way to introduce your company to newcomers.

2. Elevate Digital Experiences for Online Shoppers

When we compare online shopping with the real thing, the glaring difference is the lack of tactile experiences. Potential buyers can’t touch or feel the products before purchase. This becomes a barrier for retailers, beauty brands, and other lifestyle companies.

Luckily, augmented reality is turning things around for online shopping. AR allows customers to try things out before they head to the cart.

For example, IKEA Place adds another dimension to buying furniture online. All you’ve got to do is choose a product and then point the phone towards a designated spot. Then the furniture will appear on that spot virtually.

From a marketing perspective, investing in these apps is a power move. Not only does it keep online shoppers engaged, but you minimize cart abandonment too. This, in turn, leads to more lead generation and conversions.

3.  Add a Dynamic Element to Your TradeShow

Lastly, you can use augmented reality for marketing in exhibitions and trade shows. The technology allows you to showcase your complete inventory without dragging everything to the exhibition hall. You also get a chance to prepare a more comprehensive and engaging presentation for the audience.

Plus, the presence of AR will allow you to earn brownie points amongst the attendees. It is enough to create a buzz and draw more visitors into the stall.

Overall, it’s a cost-effective way to draw customers for offsite events. With a well-designed AR app, you can continue to create fresh content for each show. Also, you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on new exhibition displays and overhead charges.

In a Nutshell

In the end, the uses of augmented reality for marketing and branding are infinite. You can use it for virtual tours, virtual testing, and promotional campaigns. With AR ads, you can push boundaries and get creative in multiple ways.

It all depends on when and how you’re using it in your marketing strategy.

Need a hand? AR marketing can be tricky. You can hire our marketing experts and brand strategists to develop marketing strategies that use AR in innovative ways.

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